Vendor Spotlight: Troy Grover Photographers
/Since I've been blogging so much about yummy food, I think its time to talk about one of my favorite photography duos, Troy and Aimee Grover. They are the cutest husband and wife team with such amazing talent! Every time I see them they are so fun to be around and make me feel so happy to know there are people like them in the industry. They make working fun, and they are able to let their subjects feel relaxed and comfortable....including myself when Troy did my headshots last year! Every moment they capture is effortlessly beautiful. Each photo is unique and the passion they have for what they do is evident in every picture. Make sure to check out their website to see their amazing work for yourself!!
- Cat or Dog? Troy: Dog; Aimee: Doggie
- Twilight or Harry Potter? Troy: Twilight; Aimee: Twilight
- Mac or PC? Troy: Mac; Aimee: Mac
- Sweet or Salty? Troy: Sweet; Aimee: Sweet- Chocolate lover!
- Beer or Wine? Troy: Beer- Blue Moon; Aimee: Wine, sweet wine
- Mountains or Beach? Troy: Beach; Aimee: Beach, a warm one
- Neat or Messy? Troy: A very strategic messy; Aimee: Neat
- What is the last book you read? Troy: Rework; Aimee: Rework
- Most embarrassing moment? Troy: In a high school basketball game, I went up for a dunk, missed it, and then got a T for hanging on the rim. Then my coach turned all Bobby Knight on me.; Aimee: Singing a solo at church when I was little and freezing on stage when I couldn't remember the words.
- Favorite sports team?Troy: LAKERS!!!; Aimee: Lakers
- What was the last movie you went to see? Troy: True Grit; Aimee: Little Fockers
- Who would play you in a movie? Troy: Will Ferrell in Elf! Smiling's my favorite; Aimee: Kate Winslet in The Holiday.
- What is your favorite drink? Troy: White Chocolate Mocha non-fat; Aimee: Coffe with Coffee Mate Coconut Cream
- What is in your refrigerator right now? Troy: Turkey, milk, eggs, cheese, grape juice, frozen dinners, chicken; Aimee: Dito
- What is your favorite place to eat? Troy: Wood Ranch- best beef ribs ever!; Aimee: Urban Thai
- What TV reality show or game show would you go on? Troy: I want to be on the Biggest Loser, but that involves me gaining a lot of weight so I might have to think about it; Aimee: Amazing Race!
- How many pairs of shoes do you own? Troy: 6; Aimee: More than I need
- Where did you grow up? Troy: Omaha, Nebraska...the good life!; Aimee: My younger years were spent in Huntington Beach then my family moved up to Washington for the dreaded Jr. High years. I made my way back to sunny California for college.
- Where have you gone to school? Troy: Cal State Fullerton; Aimee: Biola
- What is your advice to people planning a wedding? Troy: Hire a planner;) ; Aimee: Hire vendors that you really mesh with.
- What is your best marriage advice? Troy: Love never fails...people fail. Don't ever give up! ; Aimee: You can never say, "I Love You," enough.
- One of your favorite wedding moments? Troy: I love the best man speech because you never know what to expect. ; Aimee: When the bride and her dad see each other for the first time.
- Anything else we should know? Troy: We just got a puppy! And with that we won't be having kids for a while ; Aimee: I love coffee treats!