20 Questions To Personalize Your Big Day

We found a great article with 20 great questions to help personalize your wedding in the current edition of  Martha Stewart Weddings magazine by Editorial Director, Darcy Miller. She shares 20 questions to ask yourself to help gather up inspiration ideas in making your day your very own and only.  Darcy says, "Simply sit down with your fiance and write your responses, and you'll soon see that they paint a picture of your ideal celebration."  Check them out below and let us know if you are using any of these questions to help make your personal to you and your fiancé!   Follow Darcy miller on twitter @darcymiller for more wedding tips!

1. Where did you meet?

2. Where did you go as kids (summer camp, family trips, studies abroad)?

3. What did you do on your first date?

4. Where was your first vacation together?

5. What time of year do you love most?

6. What colors do you gravitate toward?

7. Are you obsessed with a certain flower?

8. What family heirloom would you cherish carrying on your day?

9. What song lyric or poem moves you most?

10. Do you have a pet?

11. What's the bar where everybody knows your names?

12. Do you play a sport or root for a team?

13. What's your go-to food?

14. If you could eat at only one restaurant, which would you pick?

15. What guilty pleasure do you share?

16. What are your hobbies, or do you collect anything?

17. How would you describe your dream date night?

18. What are your nicknames?

19. Do you have a desert-island book or a favorite quote?

20. What's your No. 1 film?