Vendor Spotlight: Sara C. Accessories
I have fallen in love with Sara C. Accessories! Her customizable purses add a unique touch to any bride's special day. Flipping through her catalog, I can't help but want to purchase them all! As a wedding planner, I love to see bride's put their own unique, personal touch into planning their wedding day. With Sara C's purses bride's can easily do this.
When you order one of Sara C's handbags you can immediately begin personalizing your very own purse. Sara tells me you can "customize your purse by selecting color, hardware color, lining color, and adding up to two short lines of embroidery text." If you want to take your custom order a step further, you can email Sara, and she will work with you to make all your ideas come to life.
Sara started her purses in 2007, creating tote bags and handbags for her friends and family. After realizing how much she loved designing purses, she decided to take it online. She the created her Etsy store where she started receiving requests for bridal clutches. Sara soon turned her attention to bridal designs.
"I love that my customized purses make great bridesmaids gifts and are pieces that the bride and her girls can use long after the wedding is over."
I love the personalized embroidery that can be put on the inside lining of the purse. They make such beautiful keepsakes and add a unique flare to a bride's wedding look.
Make sure to check out her ETSY STORE, and like her on Facebook! Order your clutch through us and mention this blog post to receive 10% off your custom clutch! E-mail for more information!