5 Mistakes Every Groom Can Avoid on Their Wedding Day

Dude, you’re getting married!  Awesome!

I’m guessing you want to have a blast and make awesome memories on your wedding day, right?  And you also want your bride to look back and think “Oh wow, what a perfect day.”

Great.  You and every other groom. There’s a handful of mistakes you must steer clear of in order for the big day to go smoothly.

How do I know all this you ask?

Well, I’m already married, so this is coming from experience.  But I’ve also been in the wedding industry for years (my wife is a wedding planner and owns this blog), so I’ve seen and heard all the common dumb-dumb mistakes grooms make.

So let’s get you ready for the big show.  Avoid these top 5 mistakes to ensure the wedding goes off without a hitch.

  1. “Just tell me when to show up.”

    Just showing up for the biggest party of the year with no effort sounds nice, but it’s not realistic.  This is YOUR party too. Get involved, ask questions, don’t be a pushover, and make sure the day is fun for you and the boys too.  Your lady will love this.

    **Pro-tip**  If you disagree with something she’s trying to plan, make note, and circle around LATER.  Don’t be the dream killer right away if you think something should change or it’s not in the budget.  Have a solution/replacement idea ready.

  2. “Oh S#!7 I forgot my…”

    It takes a little forethought, but have a checklist of everything you want/need on the wedding day.  Watch, tie, rings, special socks, lucky pendant, cologne, deodorant, etc etc. If you need advice, ask your planner, friends or the almighty Google.

  3. Personalize the Vows

    Super important. Everyone knows if you print your vows out the day before. If you want to look like a total stud, PERSONALIZE your vows. This will be the difference between “Aww that’s cute, he Googled his vows yesterday.” and “Wow he’s so thoughtful! What a catch!” And your lady will give you those sexy eyes you love so much.

    Not a writer or unsure of where to start? I got you. Drop your email below and I’ll send you pre-written vows you can easily personalize.

  4. Oops I got Hammered

    Bye-bye sexy eyes...hello daggers.  Catching a little buzz to calm the nerves is one thing.  Taking shots and getting sloppy is another. Yes, the wedding day is supposed to be fun, and it will be, but you’re also the host, and eyes are on you.  Judgy eyes.  There are few days in a man’s life when he get the opportunity to show what he’s made of, and the wedding day is one.  Getting hammered and blowing your vows/speech is a MASSIVE mistake.

  5. You forget it’s all about her

    Ok, you got involved, made sure the party will be fun, the budget is good, the bridesmaids and groomsmen are happy, family is happy, you’re not hammered.  All great. But today is really about your bride. She’ll remember this day forever. FOR-EV-ER. Write a few love letters for her to read during the day.  A one-pager while she’s getting ready, a shorter one for after photos, and a suuuuper brief one for right before walking down the aisle.  Make sure your planner knows everything.

    Get her a gift to open with the first letter in front of her bridesmaids.  This will impress the F out of her friends, which she’ll love.

    If giving a speech always END with the focus on her.  Remember, it’s all about her. How lucky you are to have found her.  Thank her parents for bringing her into this world, her bridesmaids for supporting her, etc.  

    **Pro-tip** If you’re up for it, do something thoughtful in front of everyone...a grand surprise  Sing a song, play the piano, give a gift, read a poem you wrote. Whatever it is, make sure everyone sees it.

    You’ll be a stud, and she'll NEVER forget it.

Remember to spend some time on those vows! And if you like shortcuts, drop your email below and I’ll give you PRE-WRITTEN but easily customized vows that will make that lovely lady glow on the alter. There’s a special bonus in there for sports lovers too.

Good luck!